
Holistic Health Coaching

What I offer
a holistic approach to your healing with guidance in Life Coaching, Mindfulness, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Meditation and many other tools to have in your tool kit! Overcome stress, anxiety, limiting beliefs, coping and avoidance. Start living your life at your greatest potential with confidence and ease, coming into a space of radical self love

“Maybe this journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place”
– Paulo Coelho



Align, Rise and Shine: a deep dive-12 week program
  • For those who feel they need support in many areas of their lives and are looking for a holistic approach to change. This program is completely personalized to support your specific needs.
  • Includes a weekly 60 minute coaching call, personalized worksheets, journal prompts, recorded guided meditations and other resources as needed (ie: meal plans).
  • Ongoing support via text or email in between sessions
  • Investment of $1,222 + GST (monthly payment plan available, please send me an email using the Contact Me button at the bottom of the page)
5-Session pack
  • For those who need more flexibility than a weekly commitment (expires after 6 months)
  • Includes 5 x 60 minute coaching calls + other tools and resources to be determined based on your needs
  • Investment of $527 + GST



5-Session pack
  • For those who need more flexibility than a weekly commitment (expires after 6 months)
  • Includes 5×60 minute coaching call + other tools and resources to be determined based on your needs
  • Investment of $527 + GST


Single Session
  • For those who need a quick fix in a particularly stressful time in their lives
  • Includes a 90 minute session in either coaching, meditation, breathwork, yoga, or nutrition and lifestyle guidance
  • Investment of $147 + GST


Making time for yourself should be one of your biggest priorities, and I’m here to help you make that shift. We’ll talk through tangible strategies to help you make this shift, and once you start your practice, you’ll be rewarded with a greater sense of calm and decreased anxiety, which will actually make you feel like you’ve gained time back!

Meditation helps you learn how to block out the noise and create you own internal quiet, even in busy spaces. For during practice, headphones are a great option. You can also get creative about where you meditate. I meditate in my car sometimes! (Not while I’m driving, of course).

The goal of meditation is not to completely clear the mind. We are human and we will always have thoughts come up. What we want to achieve is becoming aware that we’ve drifted into thought, become aware of what the thoughts are, and bring ourselves back to our breath.

This is one of the benefits of having a coach rather than trying to develop a practice on your own. Accountability and support. We’re not aiming for perfect, we’re aiming to take baby steps that add up to larger changes in your life.

yoga is for everybody and every body. You’ll find as you consistently practice yoga, you’ll become more flexible and feel stronger, physically and mentally. This is something I’ll guide you through and will provide you with modifications as needed.

After each session I will send you audio recordings of guided meditations for you to use in between our sessions. The more you practice, the easier it will get.

Let’s Connect

Ready to invest in yourself?